
Recipes that we have tried, loved, tweaked, and recommend. You will also be to come here to find honest reviews on local restuarants.

  • Food,  Restaurants

    Bandee’s BBQ Bringing Live Music, World Class Taste, and Handcrafted Drinks

    OKC just got a little bit tastier! Bandee’s BBQ located in Chisolm Creek off Memorial Road. They just opened their doors on August 2, 2021. It will be THE place to be this year with live music, a wall of beer, and delicious world class bbq! With two stage and live music daily, you are sure to have a great time here. Upstairs grab apps and drinks and enjoy the show. Downstairs in the dining room youcan enjoy full service while enjoying the talented musicians. Bandee’s BBQ also features several outdoor seating areas. One of which is upstairs on the balcony and the second one downstairs features great shaded seating.…

  • Everyday Life,  Food,  Product Reviews

    One Month With Weight Watchers, Down 10lbs

    Its officially been one month with Weight Watchers. I am down 10lbs and feeling so proud and excited about the future with this program. I started Weight Watchers at the beginning of May; the first Monday of the month (bc who starts something new on a weekend? haha). Weight Watchers keeps me so accountable and that is why it works so well for me. The points and logging and the free points is huge for me. Instead of spending points for something like chips, Im more likely to reach for carrots or some fruit. Weight Watchers Plans I am on the Blue Plan, which has a moderate list of free…

  • Date Night,  Everyday Life,  Food,  Local Fun Finds,  Restaurants

    Stir At The Simple Brew Now Open

    Living in small towns has a lot of benefits. Something we wouldnt change or give up for even the best burger. Though we once thought about moving to this little town in New Mexico bc they had the best BBQ we had ever tasted! (He was originally from Texas.) Anyway, all these benefits of small town living does come with a cost. For the privacy, the space, the friendly neighbors…you give up great social atmospheric establishments. But ya’ll….Harrah, OK got itself its very own speakeasy bar. Stir at The Simple Brew is located on Harrah/Newalla Rd, just north of Reno. The owners Chad & Christy have promised us and delivered…

  • Cocktails,  Food

    RSVP Skinnies Delivers With Low Cal Cocktail Mixers

    I dont know about you but I love a good cocktail. Even better is when its a low cal cocktail so I dont have to worry about drinking in tons of calories in each sip. Insert RSVP Skinnies to the rescue! These handy little mixer packets are packed full on flavor but low on calories. Making them perfect for your summer drinks. They come indiviually packaged for ease of use. Pop some in your purse for the next time you go out to eat and want a low cal cocktail. Just order vodka and water, stir in your mixer and voila! A perfect yummy skinny cocktail. Below Im sharing an…

  • Date Night,  Everyday Life,  Food,  Restaurants

    OKC’s Sunset Patio Bar

    OKC’s newest hotspot is Sunset Patio Bar located in Midtown. The place has such a great vibe from the pup friendly patio to the lounge stadium area and arcade games. The kid friendly (till 9pm) restaurant is a huge open space with large rolling patio doors making it perfect to run in and out as needed. Big spacey booths to hold large groups, stadium seating, outdoor seating…they have it all. Food & Specialty Drinks We started our evening with The Peachy Golfer. It’s a vodka based drink (surprise surprise, right?! Haha) with peach schnapps and lemon & lime. For our dinner we ordered the Sleazy Burger. Melted Gouda and bacon…

  • Everyday Life,  Food,  Local Fun Finds,  Restaurants

    Local Coffee Shops In OKC

    You must be a coffee lover! While we all love our big chains like Starbs & Dunkin, there are so many great local coffee shops in OKC that are worth visiting and supporting. Here you will find a compiled list of local shops by district. This is by no means all of them, Im sure; and when I discover more it will be updated. Be sure to visit my Instagram to see more coffee love! Im always sharing at home recipes and local shop faves! Harrah/Choctaw/Nicoma Park The Simple Brew{Be sure to grab their Snickers or Smore Cold Brew} Cyndi Beans MWC Jitters Coffee The Underground{I love their Holy Mocha,…

  • Cocktails,  Food

    Celebrating the New Year Berry Well

    What better way to ring in the New Year then with a Berry Fizz and a Bang! With how this year is going, I for one am very glad to see the tail end of it and welcome in a New Year! My focus this year will be to continue to grow and focus my blogging. What are your plans for the new year? While this will be a very short blog post, its chock full of deliciousness. I’ll be sharing 3 new cocktails perfect for NYE and even the upcoming Valentine Day! Berry Fizz Shot of Whip Cream Vodka Shot of Strawberry Rum Top with Cherry 7-Up Berry Bang…

  • Food,  Recipes

    Gluten Free Christmas Tree Cakes

    Is it even Christmas if you aren’t eating a Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes? For our family, that would be a hard no, except this year we all went gluten free. This definitely put a damper on my Holiday Spirit! I decided that making gluten free Chrismas tree cakes would be my next project to tackle. I scoured the web for an easy and delicious white cake recipe and stumbled upon this one from Sugar Spun Run. To begin, with any cake recipe that you convert to gluten free; texture changes. Consitstency is different. I followed her recipe with my only changes being the flour. My cake batter was very…