Health/Fitness Products

  • Health/Fitness Products,  Product Reviews

    Hickey from Kenicke?…No…Hickie Laces!

    I hate when I’m walking around at a park, on a trail, or in a store and my laces come untied.   Whats even worse is when they are so long and they lean up against my leg and tickle me. My first reaction is to swat my leg because it could be a spider.  {Not sure why thats my first thought….but it is!} So I was thrilled when my Hickies Lacing System came in.  I immediately put them in my sneakers and tried out different lacing options. I first tried them on the regular option of lacing them and tried them like that for a couple of days, but found…

  • Everyday Life,  Health/Fitness Products,  Product Reviews

    Subscription Addiction

    Y’all I have a serious problem! I am so addicted to subscription boxes! Eek! They make me so happy to open up a box that is full of surprises and all at a discounted price! My latest subscription box is Ellie. I got a 3 piece premium workout outfit for less than the price of a premium workout top. What I love about Ellie is that at the beginning of each month I get to choose from different options/styles that are available. You also have the option to skip the month if none of the options appeal to you. For the leggings, which are squat proof quality; a sports bra,…