Everyday Life,  Local Fun Finds

OKC Making a Difference Across The World

So proud to be able to say that OKC is Making a Difference Across The World! Located in the heart of Oklahoma City, you will find Water4. This non profit is changing lives in Africa and you can be apart of it.

First let me start by telling you a little more about who they are and what they do. They build safe water businesses that drill for water, install pipelines and pumps, and maintain and operate the systems so people always have access to safe water. This not only gives them access to water but also provides jobs.

They’ve already served over 2 million people, and they are not done yet.

One way to help this organization is by donating. You can donate here. Another fun way to get involved is to Walk4Water4. This event is happening September 30, 2023. For more details check out my video on Instagram or TikTok or on their event page.

water4 making a difference across the world

The Walk4Water4 event will be a fun family friendly experience. What better way to get your whole family involved then to walk Scissortail Park lugging around water together.

The purpose of the event besides fundraising, is to bring awareness to the fact that we are truly blessed. Alof of these African homes have to walk 3 miles carrying buckets of water, weighing 40 lbs to and from their house.

I love that they are not only providing safe water but they are also ministering to these communities. Providing bible studies and worship materials and witness. They have seen many baptisms and salvations and this is truly inspiring.

Join me in supporting this amazing cause! Walk4Water4 and or donating!

For more things OKC check out my posts here.

Hi! My name is Jaclyn. I'm a 35+ year old stay-at-home-mom who loves to shop, try new things, be the first to know about something great, and share all my adventures with my friends. Obsessed with cheeseburgers, vodka and coffee. Sharing all my adventures in Oklahoma and beyond!

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