• Cocktails,  Food

    Celebrating the New Year Berry Well

    What better way to ring in the New Year then with a Berry Fizz and a Bang! With how this year is going, I for one am very glad to see the tail end of it and welcome in a New Year! My focus this year will be to continue to grow and focus my blogging. What are your plans for the new year? While this will be a very short blog post, its chock full of deliciousness. I’ll be sharing 3 new cocktails perfect for NYE and even the upcoming Valentine Day! Berry Fizz Shot of Whip Cream Vodka Shot of Strawberry Rum Top with Cherry 7-Up Berry Bang…

  • Food,  Recipes

    Gluten Free Christmas Tree Cakes

    Is it even Christmas if you aren’t eating a Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes? For our family, that would be a hard no, except this year we all went gluten free. This definitely put a damper on my Holiday Spirit! I decided that making gluten free Chrismas tree cakes would be my next project to tackle. I scoured the web for an easy and delicious white cake recipe and stumbled upon this one from Sugar Spun Run. To begin, with any cake recipe that you convert to gluten free; texture changes. Consitstency is different. I followed her recipe with my only changes being the flour. My cake batter was very…