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What To Expect When Getting Lip Filler

Thinking about getting your lips plumped? Here you can find what to expect when getting lip filler!

If you are anything like me, you were super skeptical over anything botox and filler. It wasn’t until a little over a year ago for me that I learned more about botox and how it actually works. No, you don’t have to look like some of those overdone tv housewives. You can look subtle and natural but achieve your beauty goals.

For me, it started with my gummy smile. You can learn more about that here, but essentially when I would smile you would see all the way up to the top of my gum line and it made me very self-concious. Using dysport, a form of botox, we were able to tame the gummy smile.

I learned that botox was not permanent, and really only lasts 3-4 months depending on your body. From here I went on to try more things. I turned 36 this past year and was noticing a deep wrinkle across my forehead and decided I could do something about it. So botox to the forehead. Did you know that it can even help with headaches?! (insert applause)

I have tried dysport, botox, and jeuveau. They all work great and not one is better than the other, they each have specific things that they help with, and its more about your body composition on which would be best.

So after trying botox (dysport/jeuveau/xeomin) I decided to give filler a shot.

Lip Filler

I did not want duck lips, but I did want soft pouty plump lips. Luckily my girl Michel at Gilded Beauty in OKC, listened and did her magic to pull it off exactly how I envisioned.

So, what are you to expect when getting lip filler?

The process of lip filler, really is easy and not painful. My lip flips, pinched and hurt, but filler did not. When you go in for your appoitnment, you will discuss what you want to achieve and how much filler will be used. Also, which type of filler as there are many options. I used Juvaderm Ultra XC for mine. We used 0.7 units during the initial visit.

Next, your lips will be numbed and left to sit for a couple minutes while it activates. Injections happen multiple locations in your lips based on what you are wanting and how the injector needs to inject to fullfill the look.

After injections, you will receive an ice pack to place against your lips to help with swelling. Michel also gave me some arnica to help with any bruising.

Important things to know:



So, now you have your filler and you know the things to avoid. What next? Well, the first 2-3 days your lips will be pretty swollen. Some people I know, love this part. I am not one of them, but I just wanted subtle plumping. You may also notice bruising for several days depending again on your typical body behavior (I bruise easily) and alcohol can intensify that. Another thing to be prepared for is peeling of the lips. Nothing major or excessive, but I did notice the next day to day 2 that I had some slight lip peeling. I used a lot of chapstick like Aquaphor, Burts Bees, and Laneige.

Other things to consider: Smoking, drinking out of a straw in the first 24-48 hours can misshape your lips. Its best to avoid these things as much as possible in the first few days. I highly recommend not putting it in the exact same place everytime if you can not avoid it.

Below is my daily progress after receiving lip filler:

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Hi! My name is Jaclyn. I'm a 35+ year old stay-at-home-mom who loves to shop, try new things, be the first to know about something great, and share all my adventures with my friends. Obsessed with cheeseburgers, vodka and coffee. Sharing all my adventures in Oklahoma and beyond!

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